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South Mountain Park - Check Weather

is the largest municipal park in the world. It consists of a range of mountains thirteen miles long across the southern part of Phoenix, Arizona. Hang Gliding has been a recognized sporting activity in the park since the early 1980's.

The Arizona Hang Glider Association and the Parks, Recreation and Library Department have agreed to a set of guidelines for flight operations in the Park. The Master Plan for South Mountain Park, adopted by the City Council confirmed hang gliding as an appropriate use of the park and specified areas for launching and landing hang gliders. As the sport of hang gliding has grown the variety of hang glider types has grown as well. Now known as unpowered ultralights hang glider types include flex wings, rigid wings, paragliders, and ultralight balloons.

The City of Phoenix Parks, Recreation and Library Department has given permission for people to fly from designated launches in South Mountain Park under the following conditions.

  1. All pilots must be current members of the Arizona Hang Glider Association (AHGA).
  2. All pilots must be current members of the United States Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association (USHPA).
  3. All pilots must sign in at the main entrance on Central Avenue prior to flying.


Location: South Phoenix
Usage: HPRF (Hang Gliding, Paragliding, Rigid Wing, Foot-launch)
Season: Flown all year.
Requirements: H3, H2 sponsored, P2. Must sign in at park entrance and show valid USHGA and AHGA IDs.
Records: 137 miles, South Launch to Tumacacori, AZ.
Affiliation: Arizona Hang Glider Association.
Radio info: USHGA standard business band frequencies. Local weather info on 162.550 MHz.
Land ownership: City of Phoenix Municipal Park.
Other use: Heavily used by general public for sightseeing, horseback riding, hiking, bicycling and more. Can be considerably crowded during special events and on weekends.
Emergency: Several hospitals near park.
Maintenance: Arizona Hang Glider Association.


South Launch: Faces 180 degrees at 2625' MSL, PG and HG friendly.
Winds: SSE to SSW 0-??mph. Summer evenings are usually too west to fly from the south launch.
Directions: Take Central Ave. south to the park entrance. Follow the two lane, paved road 7.5 miles to the top, following the signs to "Gila Valley Lookout".
Conditions: Two-lane paved road to launch (7 miles). 25 MPH speed limit, no passing.
Parking: Marked for up to 30 vehicles.
Facilities: Ranger station just past park entrance and at most lookouts.
Setup area: Unlimited in parking lot. Don't block road.
Hazards: Unmarked power lines to the right of launch. Very difficult to see. Locate them before you fly.
North Launch: Faces 340 degrees at 2300' MSL, PG and HG friendly.
Winds: NW to NNE 0-20 mph. Can be launchable in the evenings when the south launch is indicating west winds.
Directions: Same as for south launch. Follow road to 2.5 mile marker and park at the next pullout. The Ranger Trail is right at the 2.5 mile marker. Very good trail, moderate slope, about 30 minute hike. Follow trail to the ridgetop on the east side of ravine. Launch is at trail marker. Excellent no wind HG launch is on the left, PG launch on the right.
Setup Area: Don't block trail or damage vegetation.
Hazards: None.


Type of flying: Thermalling, occasional ridge soaring. Relatively smooth in summer.
Restrictions: Class B airspace starts at 4000' MSL. Please refer to the Phoenix Terminal Airspace Chart.
Hazards: 300' radio towers, unmarked power lines, lots of air traffic under 4000' MSL.


South Side LZ: Straight in front of launch, just before the houses, visible from launch as a small, circular, bare patch. Has slight downhill slope to the south. Undershooting possible up to 100 yds. Overshooting possible up to 50 yds.
Directions: From I-10, take Pecos Rd. west to Desert Foothills Dr. Take Desert Foothills north for two miles, turn right on Granite View Dr. Drive to north end of street. Walk along rock wash to the main trail, turn left, go west 200 yds to LZ.
Conditions: Paved roads in residential area with schools.
Facilities: Ranger station just past park entrance on North side and at most lookouts.
Hazards: Many tall sahuaros and chollas. Ravine bordering West side of LZ.
Restrictions: Don't walk off trail.
North Side LZ Straight in front of launch, paved parking lot connected to dirt parking lot. Quite large, level. Streamer on southwest corner.
Directions: You pass the LZ on the way to launch, fairly obvious, locked gate, don't attempt to drive in.
Restrictions: Don't walk off trail. Make sure the parking lot and adjacent go-cart track are unused before you fly.

Shaw Butte - Check Weather


Location: Metropolitan Phoenix
Usage: HPRF
Season: All year. Reduced use during summer due to heat and turbulence.
Requirements: Hang 3. Key to gate. Arizona Public Service safety course. Visitors will need AHGA membership after three flights. Sign in at steel lock-box at launch. USHGA membership required for all pilots.
Records: XC: Hans Heydrich, 153 miles.
Affiliation: Arizona Hang Glider Association
Radio info: Standard USHGA business band frequencies. 2M Amateur on 146.440 and 146.550 with 162.2 Hz squelch tone. CTCSS squelch. Local weather info on 162.550 MHz.
Land ownership: Road to launch is maintained by Arizona Public Service. Site and LZ are in the Phoenix Mountain Preserve.
Other use: Hiking, mountain biking, horseback riding.
Emergency: Several nearby hospitals.
Maintenance: Arizona Hang Glider Association


Launches: Three at 2,100' ASL.
Winds: SW (2) and SE (1).
Driving directions: Meet with other pilots at LZ (see below). Drive up or down only during daylight hours. 5 MPH speed limit.
Road conditions: 4WD only, locked gate at main entrance.
Parking: Space for about 10 vehicles along road and at top.
Facilities: None.
Setup area: 15 gliders max.
Hazards: 20 KV marked power lines. Several 150' tall radio towers. Dangerous boulders below all launches. Unsafe for winds below 5 MPH or above 20 MPH.


Type of flying: Ridge soaring and thermaling. Usual house thermal over pad to South of launch. XC routes typically in NE direction.
Restrictions: Heavily-used airspace with three nearby airports, including Sky Harbor. 4,000' ASL limit over the butte.
Hazards: Same as launch hazards. Keep eyes open for low-flying airplanes, helicopters, hot-air balloons, and blimps.


Landing zones: Large, sloped retention basin along foot of mountain in N-S direction. Avoid landing down slope (towards SW). Alternate, smaller 100' by 150' pad on West side of ravine (North Pad) to be used with West or no winds only. Break-down area next to parking lot fence.
Driving directions: From Black Cayon Freeway (I-17) take Peoria exit East. Follow to end at 7th Ave., take left and follow to trailhead parking area.
Road conditions: Paved road and parking area.
Parking: 30-49 vehicles shared with other park users.
Facilities: None, but many shops nearby.
Hazards: Power lines next to homes, ravine between both LZs, several Palo Verde trees. Very turbulent between May and August. Some sharp rocks and a few solid trail markers that won't bend.
Restrictions: Don't land on golf course just North of Thunderbird Road.

Mingus Mountain - Check Weather

Mingus Mountain, located in the Prescott National Forest between Prescott Valley and Jerome, is the AHGA's premier flying site. Free (to USHPA members) camping at launch, a poured cement launch ramp and a 'natural ramp' 150 feet north, approximately 4300 feet vertical, stunning scenery, and a grassy breakdown area combine to make this site one of the best in the USA.


Location: Cottonwood, Jerome.
Usage: Foot Launched: Hang Gliders, Paragliders, Rigid Wings.
Season: All year, but best from Spring to early Fall.
Requirements: H3 / P3, key access during Winter.
Records: TBD.
Affiliation: Arizona Hang Glider Association.
Radio info: USHGA standard business band frequencies, 2M Ham with proper license.
Land ownership: Launch is owned by U.S. Forrest Service. LZ is private land.
Other use: Sightseers and campers near launch.
Emergency: Cottonwood, about 45 mins. drive.
Maintenance: Arizona Hang Glider Association.


Launches: Two cliff launches at 7,800' ASL can get rowdy in strong winds. During best season, launching should be in the early afternoon, before winds switch West.
Winds: SE from 0 to 25 MPH. Wire crew needed for winds over 15 MPH.
Driving directions: Take state route 89A either north from Prescott Valley or south from Jerome to top of mountain. Follow exit to Mingus Recreational Area where a packed-dirt road begins. Follow on dirt past meadow, small lake, church camp and campground. Take a left at the campground to go to launch.
Road conditions: 2WD dirt road in fair condition, 20 MPH speed limit must be respected.

Parking: 20 to 25 vehicles. More space at campground.
Facilities: One Port-a-let at launch. Camping available at campground half-mile from launch.

Setup area: Max. 30 gliders. More space between trees.
Hazards: Frequent rotor on launch ramp: this is typically a morning site. Launching in afternoon is uncommon and can be very hazardous. Visitors should contact local pilots for detailed information.


Type of flying: Ridge soaring rare, but possible. This is one of Arizona's prime cross-country flying sites with routes into mostly Northwest to East directions depending on winds aloft.
Restrictions: No special flying restrictions.
Hazards: A few radio towers behind launch. During monsoon season, violent thunderstorms may be present or may develop very quickly.


10th Street LZ: See it in googlemaps Do NOT cross the Cottonwood Airport runway at less than 2000 feet AGL.


Old dump: LZ at 3,800' ASL about 200' by 400'. Slight down slope from South to North. Approaches are typically from S->N and W<->E. Break-down area is on far east edge of LZ.
Driving directions: Drive to Cottonwood airport, stay on pavement past airport, go past cattle guard where road turns to dirt. Continue another two-thirds of a mile to LZ entrance on right. Have the locked-gate combination handy.
Road conditions: Gravel, 2WD.
Parking: Far east and north ends of LZ but leave room for overshooting gliders.
Facilities: Several in Cottonwood.
Hazards: Half mile from Cottonwood airport, look for small airplanes in the air. Several large rocks, steep drop-off on south end of LZ. Use good approach pattern to clear three small knolls about 100' high on west and north sides.

3rd Local Option

Cottonwood Airport: Special training is required to land at Cottonwood Airport. Do NOT land at Cottonwood if you have not been trained on how to use that site! For detailed airport info, please see


Sedona airport: Please check with local hang glider pilots for the current Sedona Airport HG landing protocol.

Oatman Mountain - Check Weather


Location: Gila Bend, Painted Rock Dam.
Usage: Hang, Para, Rigid; Foot-launch
Season: All year, but very hot during Summer.
Requirements: Hang 2.
Records: TBD.
Affiliation: Arizona Hang Glider Association.
Radio info: USHGA standard business band frequencies, 2M Ham with proper license.
Land ownership:
Other use: Sightseers and campers near launch, military jet training on weekdays.
Emergency: Gila Bend.
Maintenance: Arizona Hang Glider Association.


South Launch: Great for ridge soaring and a good thermal collector.Winds: SE to S from 0 to 25 MPH. SW is not good.
Driving directions: Take Painted Rock Road off I-8 (about ten miles West of Gila Bend) and go North. Where the road veers right and a dirt road continues West, follow the dirt road to the South LZ. The road to launch is by the riverbed on the East side.
Road conditions: 4WD dirt road in fair condition after turnoff to South launch.
Parking: 6 vehicles max.
Facilities: None.
Setup area: Max. 10 gliders.
Hazards: Power lines going up south face of mountain from LZ. High speed jets on weekdays. Crosswinds on launch from right (SW) are generally turbulent and produce little lift.

North Launch: Faces small valley crosscutting the mountain.
Winds: N from 0 to 25 MPH.
Driving directions: Same as for South launch but continue on paved road to top of mountain.
Road conditions: 2WD paved road in fair condition.
Parking: 6 vehicles max.
Facilities: None.
Setup area: Max. 10 gliders.
Hazards: Several large telecummunications antennas, some with cables. High speed jets on weekdays. Crosswinds on launch should be avoided.


Type of flying: Ridge soaring and thermaling.
Restrictions: No special flying restrictions.
Hazards: Power lines on south side going up face of mountain and East of LZ. High speed jets on weekdays.


South Landing Zone: Large, flat areas with room to overshoot and undershoot.
Driving directions: See directions to South launch.
Road conditions: Gravel, 2WD.
Parking: Next to vegetation.
Facilities: Gila Bend.
Hazards: Power lines to East of LZ. Several ravines about 15 to 25 feet deep should be avoided.

North Landing Zone: Large, flat areas surrounded by tall vegetation and barbed-wire fence along dirt road.
Driving directions: Same as directions to South launch but continue on dirt road where paved road to launch begins.
Road conditions: Gravel, 2WD, 4WD after erosion by rains.
Parking: Ends of LZ.
Facilities: Gila Bend.
Hazards: Barbed-wire fence, tall trees.
